2010年にはLAND OF TOMORROW MARUNOUCHIに於いて初の写真と花の個展を開催。
以降、des pres 日本橋コレド店における花のライブパフォーマンス、羽田空港新国際線ターミナルのオープニングインスタレーションの発表や国内7カ所を巡回する写真展と花のライブパフォーマンスを行うなど精力的に活動。
2013年11月、在日イタリア大使館大使公邸で行われた、一般社団法人 日本ガストロノミー学会主催、日伊400周年記念イベント「会席料理とイタリアワインの晩餐会」の装花を担当。
2014年にはNPO法人 子供地球基金のファンドレイジングパーティのステージにミュージシャンの布袋寅泰氏と共に出演、チャリティ活動も熱心に行っている。
2016年には、資生堂トップヘアメーキャップアーティストである計良宏文氏との2人展「Flowers ~わたしを咲かせなさい~」を渋谷ヒカリエ 8/CUBE1,2,3にて開催、会期中5000名を超える来場者となる。
2017年5月、BVLGARIが母の日にローマ、ミラノ、ロンドン、パリ、ニューヨーク、香港、東京にて開催した「Mother’s Day Graffiti Flowers」にて東京を担当するフラワーアーティストに選出されブルガリ銀座タワーのウィンドーを装花。
2018年4月、慶応義塾大学大学院システムデザイン・マネジメント研究科チームが日本発のオーセンティックラグジュアリーを発信すべく「Sound Principal」をテーマにミラノデザインウィークに出展。その際の会場装花及び空間プロデュースを担当する。

Born and raised in the family of Ikebana artists (Sogetsu School), he has been surrounded by flowers since childhood and has been familiar with them.
He began to learn Ikebana in earnest at the age of 15 and began his career as a flower arrangement artist in 1996.
His first job as a Ikebana artist was to make an Ikebana art at the head office of Microsoft Corporation in Tokyo.
He was also in charge of the venue Ikebana of the welcome party when Bill Gates came to Japan.
In 1999, at the request of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he visited three Arab countries.
Give a lecture and demonstration on the history of Ikebana.
After that, he continued to actively work overseas, and the countries he visited conveyed the appeal of Ikebana to more than tens of thousands of people in more than a dozen countries.
He began photography on his own in 2000 and began working as a photographer in 2004.
He works in a wide range of fields, including advertising and magazines, focusing on fashion and beauty, and his sense of unique beauty cultivated in Ikebana, a traditional Japanese beauty, has gained high support from various fields.
In 2010, he held his first solo exhibition of photographs and flowers at LAND OF TOMORROW MARUNOUCHI.
Since then, he has been active in performing live flowers at the des pres Nihonbashi Cored store, presenting the opening installation of Haneda Airport's new international terminal, and holding photo exhibitions and live performances of flowers touring seven locations in Japan.
In November 2013, he was in charge of Ikebana art seventy at the Japan Gastronomy Society, an event held at the ambassador's residence of the Italian Embassy in Japan, and the 400th anniversary event of Japan-Italy, “KAISEKI Cuisine and Italian Wine Banquet.".
In 2014, he appeared on the stage of the fundraising party of the NPO Kids Earth Fund and he also worked charity activities.
In 2016, he held a two-person exhibition "Flowers - Make Me Bloom" at Shibuya Hikarie 8/CUBE1, 2, 3 with a SHISEIDO’s top hair makeup artist Hirofumi Kera and will attract more than 5,000 visitors during the exhibition.
In May 2017, he was selected as a flower artist in charge of Tokyo at BVLGARI's  "Mother's Day Graffiti Flowers" held in Rome, Milan, London, Paris, New York, Hong Kong, and Tokyo on Mother's Day, and dressed the window of BVLGARI Ginza Tower.
In April 2018, KEIO University's Graduate School of System Design and Management team exhibited at Milan Design Week under the theme of "Sound Principal" to promote authentic luxury from Japan. At that time, he was in charge of venue Ikebana art and space production.
Currently, he is working to build a new world that incorporates quantum mechanics and mindfulness based on ikebana and photographs.


和楽 2004年秋冬号 作品紹介
25ans 連載「一華一葉」(2007年)
婦人画報 2012年5月号 「花のことづて 第二十九回 」
花時間 2012年冬号 「アプローチさまざまに。今、花に挑む男たち」
ELLE Japon 2013年4月号 「Flower Inspiration」コメント掲載
anan 2016年11.2号 「手みやげ大賞」コメント掲載